Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Where was God?

I had to ask this question, as i read of reports of Churches, prayer halls, orphanages and shelters being burnt across Orissa, when so many priests and religious involved in good works were attacked by fundamentalists , when no mercy was shown .

Why so much suffering for good people, while the real perpetrators haven't been brought to justice. What makes the situation in Orissa so ridiculous is that the real culprits haven't been found, but the good continue to suffer.

The Prime Minister and Home minister have "condemmed" the attacks, but in reality i think they along with the CM should resign for failing to protect the people when it mattered the most.

But i guess the silver lining here is the attitude of victims. There havent been repraisals . The community has taken the teachings of Jesus and Gandhi to heart and " Prayed for their persecutors". Else the situation could easily have spread and the whole of India could have been affected.

They are truly Indians and followers of God.

I hope that the guilty be brought to Justice, from those who started it to mobs who inflicted pain on defensless victims.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

One OneHundreth of a second!!

Something remarkable happened at the Beijing Olympics today. Michael Phelps from the USA won his seventh straight gold medal, thus tying the record for most number of medals in swimming

However, what made it so remarkable is that he beat second placed Milorad Cavic by one one hundreth of a second...yes not 10 seconds , not one second or one tenths of a second but one one hundreth(1/100). I saw the race and phelps was behind most of the race. However , at the last couple of yards he peformed a halfstroke while the leader at that time allowed his hands to relax and used the thrust to finish.

The result, phelps touched the board at 50.57 seconds and cavic at 50.58.(Even though phelps thought by doing such a move he would have lost)

I found that to be harsh, maybe in another time phelps wouldnt have won. I mean you have given it all and at the last step when you think you have beaten a top loose! But as it does, he will be in the record books forever. But he is a great athelete and i guess thats how i took a second look at the whole episode.

You can never win just by hard work, discipline and good attitude. Well not always. There are forces beyond your control and i guess that was evident today. It was not as if phelps did not deserve to win. He did and he would probably win many more but i guess as the old saying goes
" The harder you work the better your luck". or " Do your best and leave the rest to God" That was what happened.

Eventually that always happens and i guess thats why sports&the olympics are so widely acclaimed...even after all the doping and bribing scandals. These stories of triumph will always live on.

Keep the Faith...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

After yet another break, i have decided to get back to Blogging. It's not just the lack of time(as there is always something to do every weekend), but i often like that thought or idea to develop for a while before i start writing.

But as with many things, its just better to start and let the ideas flow from there. After all the purpose of a blog is to let one's own thoughts develop. Not everyone can write great piece of fiction or another self help book that promises to change your life and bring great "financial , spiritual and personal success " (if there is such a book!).

So yeah i am back... just a short post to say that and this time more consistently.

Take care..till next time ..bye!!