Thursday, July 06, 2006

Welcome! Warm greetings to you that has stumbled onto my weblog, seriously what were the chances that you would even come here, not very high right?

Ok! given that you are here what are the chances that you are actually going to read my blog and what i have to say. for you to stick around, i have to create at least one of the two disntinct possibilities.

The first being that what i write about is so interesting that you will continue staying here and read it all.

The second, how i describe things make it so fascinating that you would read it even though it may look mundane.

If i manage to do both, then i'll start working on my first book!!

There is the possibility that i may do neither, but we weren't assuming that were we?


Ashutosh said...

how are you doing jude? add me in your list...i hope things are going good in arizona :-)

Gaurav said...

boy u really are lazy.. the last time u wrote was in July'06.. [:D]